Monday, January 9, 2012

Easy Steps to Save Money: Coupons

Each day this week I am going to cover little steps you can take that will save you money when you shop.  Last week we talked a bit about coupons, and today I will cover them in a little more detail.  Do you have to be an extreme couponer to save money?  Absolutely not!  To me, couponing is about finding out what kind of couponer you are comfortable being.  Some people clip all the coupons from each Sunday paper and file them in a binder.  Some even dumpster dive to get more coupons or buy the coupons online.  All this is too complicated and stressful to me.  One of my favorite bloggers,  Jodi Furman of, unclips her coupons.  She simply takes the coupons from the paper, writes the date on them, and files them away.

Live FabuLess

How quick and easy is that.  You can then use the coupons with any coupon match-up you chose.  If you don't remember what a coupon match up is, the idea is simple.  A coupon match-up will take the sales ad for a store and list where you can find a coupon for the item that is on sale.  For the coupons in the Sunday paper, it will list it by date, so all you have to do is go to your file and clip the coupon you need.  To find a coupon match-up for any store, simply Google the store name and coupon match-up.  Coupon Match-ups are not limited to grocery stores.  They are available for Wal-Mart, Target, K Mart, and even pet stores. 

Coupon match-ups are not limited to using coupons from your Sunday paper.  It will list in store and on product coupons.  They will also link you directly to online printable coupons.  Sometimes the online coupons will be from the manufacturer's website or facebook page.  Many times it will send you to coupon sites, like

The most important thing you can do when couponing is know your stores policy.  Most stores have a universal policy for coupon use at all of their stores.  These policies can be found on their websites or in store on display.  I recommend asking about policies at customer service before you shop with coupons at a store for the first time.  Some individuals stores will have different policies.  They also may take competitor coupons and competitors may differ from store to store.  This will save you from dealing with issues at check and feeling bad for the people behind you :)

Once you get the basics of couponing down, then the fun begins.  This is also when you will discover what kind of couponer you are.  Some stores around the country will double the value of your coupons; however, where I live in Florida, this is not done.  Some stores will allow you to stack coupons, which means you may use both a manufacturer and store coupon on one item.  Imagine the savings if that item is on sale!  My favorite way to save with coupons is when items are on sale for BOGO (Buy One Get One Free).  Again the way this works will depend on where you live.  In states other than Florida,  you do not always need to buy two items on a BOGO.  You can get half off one item, but I am unsure how the coupons work with this scenario.  (anyone?)  In Florida,  BOGO can save big time.  First you have to get two items; however, you can use use coupons on both items.  Not only can you you use manufacturer coupon for each, but you can stack a store coupon for each. Now you are in the land of virtually free huh!  But what happens when you have a free product coupon (sometimes found in Sunday ads; I get a lot from Facebook contests and promotions) and the item is on sale BOGO?  TWO FREE PRODUCTS!!!!!  

As you start to coupon, you will learn how far you are willing to go to save and how much work you want to put into it.  But you will save money!  Everything I covered here today does not take much time or effort.  Follow a coupon match-up, get your coupons, and save!  This little step will help you to live life a little better everyday!!

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