Monday, January 2, 2012

Meal Planning

Meal planning is my first goal of the New Year.  This will be Living Life Better multi-tasking at it's best!  By meal planning you can eat healthier, save money, and destress your life all at the same time!

Step 1:  Pick a day to do it!

I am going to meal plan on Monday.  For me, this is a good time, as the kids and hubby are out of the house.  Plus, starting my week out organized will hopefully start my week off right and keep me on task.  Monday is also the day that my favorite blogger for my favorite grocery store posts her coupon match-ups for the upcoming sales ad.  I rarely buy something unless it's on sale and I have a coupon...or sometimes two!

Step 2:  Find a blog with a coupon match-up for your local grocery stores.

This is pretty easy to do. Google your store name and "coupon match-up".  I do most of my shopping at Publix and use I Heart Publix.  Let me just take this opportunity to say that you can save money at your local grocery stores!  You do not have to travel and shop at places like Costco, Sam's or BJs.  Yes you can find fabulous deals there; and if you don't want to coupon, it might be a better choice for you.  BUT you do not have to spend your money on a membership to save money on your grocery budget....really!  You can learn to coupon at your own speed and find what works for you.  Always buy what you use regularly and in reasonable amounts if it's on sale.  Proteins (your meats, poultry, and seafood) should only be bought if it's on sale...that's of course if you are trying to save money.

Step 3: Inventory your fridge and pantry.

What is in the fridge you need to use up?  What is in the pantry?  Do you have rice or pasta? Broth? Look in the waaaaaay back?  What did you buy on sale and forget about?  For me, I inventory what I have at home and what produce I will be getting that week from the my local organic coop, Annie's Organic Buying Club, that I belong to and am a coordinator for (which gives me a free share of organic fruits and veggies each week!!).

Step 4: Find recipes for items you have at home and what's on sale.

Google is your friend here again.  Just search the ingredients you have on hand and find recipes (hopefully healthy ones) and write out a schedule of the meals for the week (there are also some great apps available to help you do this that even include shopping lists).  If you are dieting, I recommend you schedule all your food including all 3 meals and snacks.  If I do not do this...I will graze all day!

Step 5: Shop, Cook, And Stick to the Plan!

I know I threw a lot at you, and if you are new couponing, blogs, coops and such, you are probably thinking that this is not going to be easy.  This week I will take each step and break it down for you.  I promise you can do this!  And to myself, I promise I will do this!  Together we can learn to Live Life A Little Better Everday! Feel free to post questions and suggestions on my Facebook page.

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